Written by Rebecca McComas, DVM – Owner
A few colleagues and I stood in the back of the main ballroom on the last day of the International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC) annual conference. We were basking in the glow of our newly acquired medical and business knowledge and from the fun networking and conversation. We knew that glow would fade all-too-soon as we reentered our work lives back at home.
Recognizing it’s difficult for mobile practitioners to stay connected with colleagues, especially when spread across the US (and the world), I sought ideas for remaining in contact between conferences. I envisioned something similar to the monthly SCORE “CEO Forum” that I was a part of at home in Minneapolis. The CEO Forum follows a peer-to-peer coaching model with a moderator to keep conversation flowing.
In 2016, I started a new IAAHPC program called “Business Circles”. Every paying member of the organization is invited to participate, whether a new business owner or a seasoned veteran. Groups meet once a month online to discuss a designated monthly topic and share questions and challenges we are currently facing.
Group members benefit from the advice of others and share best practices for everything from marketing to bookkeeping to HR to strategic planning.
Here’s what you can expect from your BC group:
- Have a sounding board for your ideas and business options
- Expand your social network with friends in our niche of veterinary practice
- See more familiar faces at the annual conference
- Learn how to run your business more successfully
- Have an opportunity to help others
One of the best things about being involved with the IAAHPC for Rebecca has been finding a tribe of like-minded practitioners with similar business challenges. Business Circles has fulfilled the need that many members have for friendly advice and a supportive ear.