Written by Anna Traynor – Support Specialist, Social Media Coordinator
In 2018, the role of the social media coordinator at our practice, MN Pets, was vacant. I eagerly volunteered for the role and was briefly brought up to speed with how the MN Pets Facebook page had been operating. After analyzing the content that we had produced over the past year and comparing the content I saw from every other veterinary practice on Facebook, I realized we needed to make a change. As a mobile end-of-life practice, the service we offer is unique, professional, and personal—our Facebook page needed to reflect that.

Giving your Facebook page a “facelift” can feel like an incredibly daunting task. There are tools out there to help organize social media pages for businesses, but there aren’t many geared towards veterinary practices. More specifically, there are virtually no resources on social media for mobile end-of-life practices. Like you, a veterinarian that created a service when you saw the need, we saw the lack of knowledge around social media for end-of-life practices and created a tailor-made strategy to clean up and revive our Facebook page.

Here’s the process we followed and share with others:

  1. Understand your brand — we knew people came to our page to learn about our service and to find support after the loss of their pet, our page needed to be as organized and compassionate as our practice
  2. Find your tone — we wanted each post to consistently sound and look like it was created by the same person, as well as match the language we used on our website and in our email interactions with clients
  3. Know your audience — we analyzed the content we had created in the past year, determined which posts preformed the best, and mirrored those types of content in our future posts
  4. Clean up your page — we went back a few years on our page and deleted content that no longer reflected the tone we wanted to use, deleted content that had little interaction, made sure our contact information and hours of operation were up to date, and uploaded a high resolution image of our logo for our profile picture

Since giving the MN Pets Facebook page that “facelift,” we have added a second team member from our Support Staff to our social media team, we have doubled our follower engagement and post reach, and gained almost 500 new page likes and followers in just 10 months. We are seeing consistent growth and interaction month-to-month, as well as moved from a 4.9 to a 5.0 overall rating on Facebook.

Putting in the time and effort with your social media now will not only make posting your own content and interacting with clients easier, it will help strengthen your brand and spread awareness of the incredible service you offer.

Anna has been managing the MN Pets Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter pages since fall of 2018. Along with being a support specialist, Anna creates original content and interacts with clients through social media daily. She enjoys learning about new trends and developments and what social media can do for mobile end-of-life practices. 

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